Thursday, May 20, 2010

Is The Sky Falling... Or is it Just the Economy ?

The previous post was a bit like the Chicken Little story (THE SKY IS FALLING!! THE SKY IS FALLING!!) about riding horses in the future.
Extreme, yes. Dramatic, yes. Totally impossible, no.

So it's time to ask you horsepeople an important question...

Is the horse industry in decline, or is it doing fine and just experiencing a temporary blip due to the current recession??

Will horse prices rise when the unemployment drops??

Will the number of people wanting to ride increase as salaries begin to rise again??

Will Kentucky legislators again appreciate the economic impact we all bring to the state - when they stop worrying about the budget??

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Ginny, I hope the answer to all your questions is yes : temporary blip due to the economy, prices will rise, people wanting to ride will increase, legislators will appreciate economic impact we all bring to the state. Wouldn't that be a wonderful site, maybe our whole country would be back on the mend, you sure have an optimistic outlook!!! I hope joining the KHC can help because I did in April and as soon as I am able to ride again later this summer, I will be contributing more to that economy!!! Going to different places to ride, buying things in the process that I need for that ride and/or my horses -- right???
I do think things will start looking up but, what can we do about the other human beings???