Day 4: Monday, January 28
Countdown to Kentucky Round-Up
What's Kentucky Round-Up?Yabadadoo!

That unique word is a great way to express happiness (I thought), but then I made the mistake of googling it and found this definition in the Urban Dictionary:
To leave work early, disregarding the status of any project that is currently needing attention. The employee's escape is similar to Fred sliding down the dinosaur's tail in the opening credits of The Flintstones.
Oops, I didn't mean it in that way. Honest!
But here's the real Yabadabadoo ..
We've got 700 people pre-registered for Kentucky Round-Up. And the files are all turned into the printer for the program. And I picked up the tickets today. And we have plenty of volunteers. And the signs are all at the sign shop and should be ready in time. Banners are ordered and will be delivered to Chad tomorrow. All speakers are confirmed and re-confirmed. Demonstrators are confirmed and re-confirmed. Horses are lined up for the Stable area. Stage building is scheduled and all concert contracts signed...
Now the weather forecast, that's the one possible non-Yabadabadoo. Right now they are calling for 40% chance of snow and 37 degrees. What I don't understand is how you can have snow at 37 degrees. Isn't 32 degrees the freezing point?
Nevertheless, I'm not worried because Kentucky forecasters have to change their forecast every day or so. In a day or two the snow will be expected next week, let's say Tuesday. Nothing to worry about.
Well, Fred and Wilma, see you at the Round-Up.
Til tomorrow...
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